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What should be included in a cover letter and cv when applying for a job online or through Indeed? |

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Writing an Impressive Cover Letter and CV for Online Job Applications

When you’re applying for jobs online, especially on websites like Indeed, your cover letter and CV are super important. Let’s create standout documents in an easy way:

Cover Letter:

  1. Contact Details: At the top, write your name, address, phone number, and email.
  2. Info about the Employer: Under your details, put the employer’s info. This includes their name, title, company, address, and email. If you don’t know a name, just say “Dear Hiring Manager.”
  3. Say Hello: Start with a nice greeting, like “Dear Mr. Smith” or “Dear Hiring Manager.”
  4. Opening Words:
    • Tell them you want the job.
    • Say the job title and where you found it (like “I’m applying for the Software Developer job at [Company Name] on Indeed”).
    • Quickly talk about your skills and why you like this job.
  5. Main Part:
    • Talk about your skills and experiences that match the job.
    • Share some things you’ve done that show you’re a great fit.
    • Explain why you like the company and why you and they are a good match.
    • If there are gaps in your work history or you changed careers, explain why.
  6. Closing Words:
    • Tell them you want an interview.
    • Ask if you can chat more about the job.
    • Always say thank you for their time.
  7. Goodbye Line: End with a polite closing, like “Sincerely,” followed by your name.
  8. Your Signature: If you’re sending the letter digitally, type your name. If you’re printing it, sign your name.

CV (Curriculum Vitae):

  1. Contact Info:
    • At the top, put your name, address, phone, and email.
  2. Summary or Goal (Optional):
    • Say what you want to do in your career and what you’re good at.
  3. Work History:
    • Make a list of your jobs, starting with the most recent.
    • Write the name of the company, where it is, your job title, and when you worked there.
    • Tell them what you did and what you achieved in short sentences.
    • Use strong words like “led a team of 10” or “helped sales go up by 30%.”
  4. Education:
    • Share where you went to school, starting with your latest degree.
    • Put down the name of the school, where it is, your degree, major, and when you graduated.
  5. Skills:
    • Show off your skills, including techie ones, languages, and any certificates you have.
  6. Extra Bits (Optional):
    • If you want, add more sections like “Projects,” “Awards,” “Articles,” “Groups you’re part of,” or “Volunteer Work.”
  7. References:
    • You can say that you have people who can say good things about you, but you don’t have to list them in your CV.
  8. The Look:
    • Keep your CV neat and easy to read. Use the same style and size for your words. Make sure you didn’t make any spelling or grammar mistakes.

When you’re sending job applications online, especially through Indeed, don’t forget to change your cover letter and CV for each job. Make them fit what the job needs and show how good you are for the job. Follow any rules from the job listing and send your cover letter and CV the way they ask you to.


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